
How to play The Curse of Monkey Island on Linux

As I was always a LucasArts fan in the 90ties, I wanted to use my “free time” (thanks to the Corona lockdown) for playing this old classics.

I bought Monkey Island 1 + 2 on Steam - with the Proton helper, it starts all easy, out of the box.

Monkey Island 3 and 4 I was buying at Gog (it was cheaper) - no help here to get it running for Linux. (it will still run from Steam out of the box, afaik)

Getting a verified user on Github

When you create a new file directly on Github and push it to your branch, you will see in the commit, that this was done by an verified user. Alt text

If you push it from your command line, it normally looks like this:

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P.S. if you followed the tutorial, and something went wrong, it will look like this:
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But let’s start from the beginning!
First of all: Github gives you a great Readme for this, that’s why I link it here were needed.

Which Linux Version is running

Sometimes you need to know, which Linux distro you are running, and especially, which version:

lsb_release -a

The answer will look like:

No LSB modules are available
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty

No HDD space left for ubuntu update, make some space at /boot

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your hd is full, make space in /boot aaaa make a

cd /boot ls -la
so you see the `/boot` folder

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now delete the stuff you don’t need anymore:

sudo aptitude remove linux-image-3.13.0-49-generic
sudo apt-get remove ...

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(ls -la after deleting the linux kernel image)