Being able to develop on an unknown phone on a Linux computer

When i tried to deploy a Hello World app from my Linux notebook to my THL 5000 notebook i got this result:

So, my phone has API level 1, nice - NOT!

Googling my ass off, I could nowhere find the device id for this phone… So Tobi told me: Brute-Force is the way to go and what should I say: it worked!


Because I was living in 2011 for 3 month in my favourite city Barcelona, I am asked so many times for Barcelona Tips…
So here we go:


  • Always have a look at THIS FORUM, it’s in catalan, but you can get the informations out of the postings and Google Translate will help you too! Best online information for squat shows (but let me tell you: they start really really late… )

One of my favourite Punkbars with concerts, i saw US Bombs and Death by Stereo there… also good for just havin’ some drinks… Carrer Almogàvers, 116, 08018 Barcelona (Metro: L1 Marina or L4 Bogatell) (near Sala Razzmatazz)

Which Linux Version is running

Sometimes you need to know, which Linux distro you are running, and especially, which version:

lsb_release -a

The answer will look like:

No LSB modules are available
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty

Finding the biggest folders

If you have on a server a folder which is to big, and you want to know, which file is the reason for a problem, use du

du -m | sort -n | tail -n 10

for finding the 10 biggest folders.
(repeat this step in the biggest folder again to find the “problem folders”)