Pushing container to Docker hub

First build an docker container and run it afterwards so you see it with docker ps -a As an example, I use the container for the MagpiDownloader

docker build -f Dockerfile . -t mag-pi-downloader
docker run -v $(pwd)/issues:/app/issues/ mag-pi-downloader -f 131

After that is done, have a look, for all the docker container:

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS                          PORTS     NAMES
ea901f38e328   mag-pi-downloader   "/bin/sh /app/entryp…"   About a minute ago   Exited (0) About a minute ago             exciting_feistel

As you can see the newest has the container id ea901f38e328

Now login to docker hub

docker login

and commit the container id

docker commit ea901f38e328 joergi/mag-pi-downloader

tag it with the current version and also as latest

docker tag joergi/mag-pi-downloader:latest joergi/mag-pi-downloader:v.0.4.6

You can see it now:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
joergi/mag-pi-downloader   latest    f05223f9e942   About a minute ago   131MB
joergi/mag-pi-downloader   v.0.4.6   f05223f9e942   About a minute ago   131MB

now push it:

docker push joergi/mag-pi-downloader:latest
docker push joergi/mag-pi-downloader:v.0.4.6

after that, you see that both have the same sha:

$ docker push joergi/mag-pi-downloader:v.0.4.6
docker push joergi/mag-pi-downloader:latest
The push refers to repository [docker.io/joergi/mag-pi-downloader]
1c1b759e6be0: Layer already exists 
e6aea274ef6a: Layer already exists 
543eb78604ea: Layer already exists 
4f310c1102f1: Layer already exists 
e57e91b0668b: Layer already exists 
9fc74be027cd: Layer already exists 
b5472f656374: Layer already exists 
256d88da4185: Layer already exists 
v.0.4.6: digest: sha256:3cd8adc5eb542a673b56cc56c2cee8898542f6f5e2a0bdca88950d65fb24ed13 size: 2194
The push refers to repository [docker.io/joergi/mag-pi-downloader]
1c1b759e6be0: Layer already exists 
e6aea274ef6a: Layer already exists 
543eb78604ea: Layer already exists 
4f310c1102f1: Layer already exists 
e57e91b0668b: Layer already exists 
9fc74be027cd: Layer already exists 
b5472f656374: Layer already exists 
256d88da4185: Layer already exists 
latest: digest: sha256:3cd8adc5eb542a673b56cc56c2cee8898542f6f5e2a0bdca88950d65fb24ed13 size: 2194

and this is how it looks in my docker hub Alt text